Do you know how to mess up your business systems?

Sure you do. We all do. It goes something like this:

  • Don’t train your staff.
  • Don’t use the system consistently.
  • Don’t learn from mistakes.
  • Don’t perform housekeeping.
  • Don’t document the single best way to use your system.
  • Don’t standardise whenever possible.
  • Don’t use it when a workaround is available.
  • Don’t evaluate your team’s competency with the system.

I’m sure there are more things we can add to the list, but we our lives to lead!

So, what’s the point of this post?

Well, here’s a challenge for you. What would happen to your business if you flipped some (or all) of the above list? What would happen to the results in your business?

If you find yourself nodding to any of the above items, mull over how you could flip them. Take that flash of the blinding and take action.

If you want some more ideas on how to create a more productive future, then check out my book What Does Good Look Like?

Giles Johnston
Giles Johnston

Giles is a Chartered Engineer and the author of several books on process improvement including, What Does Good Look Like? and Effective SOPs.